Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Managing People - Essay Example Ineffective leadership, poor organizational culture, poor management styles, poor working conditions, lack of work life balancing, lack of career development opportunities etc. are some of the major reasons that prevent employees from delivering their bests. This report analyses the importance of employee engagement, employee involvement and leadership styles, taking McDonalds Corporation as an example. Founded by Maurice and Richard McDonald in 1940 and operating in 119 countries, McDonalds is world’s largest the fast food business group now. Around 1.7 million people were employed by McDonalds in its 14000 restaurants operating at different parts of the world (Reward Gateway UK, 2014). The 1.7 million workforces of McDonalds are extremely diverse since the company is operating in different parts of the world. Management of diverse or multicultural workforce is not as easy as the management of a single cultural workforce. The leaders and the managers of the company should implement effective HR strategies to bring out the maximum productivity of the employees. According to Torrington et al (2011), HRM is all management activities that help an organization to use its workforce to make things happen in a productive way. Even though an organization may have many resources such as machine, money and materials, none of them are as important as manpower resources. It should be noted that manpower is the only active resource of an organization and it is necessary to mobilize all other resources. Ineffective workforce may waste all other organizational resources whereas effective or skilled workforce may use all other resources in an efficient manner. In short, manpower resource is the most important resource for all organizations. According to Boxall & Purcell (2012), effective utilization of manpower resource is one of the most important HR functions. The success and failure of an organization depends on how well the leaders

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