Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Outsiders- Dally

Dallas â€Å"Dally† Winston: Social Clique: Greasers Age: 17 Status: Deceased * Reason- Provoked police to shoot him because he got a heater out. Abilities/ Strengths: Street smart, knows how to use a variety of different weapons like guns, blades, etc. Natural born leader; Strong personality; excellent fighter; stereotypical â€Å"bad boy†. Tougher, colder and meaner than rest of the greasers. His parents were very abusive of him Criminal Past:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The real character of the gang,† Dally was arrested his first time at the age of ten.He spent three years on the â€Å"wild side† of New York and likes to blow off steam in gang fights. He is the most dangerous member of the bunch, but he is still a part of their greaser â€Å"family. Enjoys breaking laws. Known for robbing a lot of stores. Personality Traits: Dallas Winston is seen to be cruel, hardened, and usually lacking concern for others. All of these observations are absolutely true. He is also ru de, unrefined, angry, and typically selfish. He often finds amusement at the expense of others, and is hideously impolite to most everyone, especially girls that he doesn't know.Typically, he finds himself quite indifferent with the opinions of others. Dally has no respect for anyone, especially adults and officials of the law. High school Dropout. Gets angry easily and is mentally unstable. He hardly ever lets any emotion other than anger show. Events: After the Johnny Cade killing a soc incident, it was informed that Dallas Winston helped Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny escape and send them to an abandoned church. He also gave them a gun and some money for buying groceries. This also adds up to Dallas crimes by hiding a criminal.Also known to be bugging to so girls earlier that night. He helped the other two kids on saving the children from the mysterious church fire and injured his arm badly; he was in a good condition compared with his buddy, Johnny. He later escaped the hospital by t hreatening a nurse with a very large blade in order to join a rumble. After watching Johnny Cade’s tragic death, it was learned that he went crazy and robbed another store. This prompted the police to arrive, and after witnessing the large gun that he had, he was shot down by the police. After examining the raits of Dallas Winston, we are pretty sure that Sabrina will make him less tough, mean and cruel with others. Sabrina will respect the law no matter what and will help others to respect it too. Even though Sabrina may not be that street smart, she is very book smart and may also teach Dallas some skills and manners. View on him after death: After reading Ponyboy Curtis award receiving English assignment, (which happened after all of this happened) we can now see that Dally was more than just a criminal. Dally was a misunderstood poor soul like many other gang members during the time.It wasn’t his fault that he was tough, the experiences that happened in his life ma de him that way. I am pretty sure that he wouldn’t like anyone else to be like that. We also learn that Dallas felt very protective of a fellow, deceased greaser, Johnny Cade. Johnny also admired Dallas a lot, and viewed him as a hero. Some people think that Johnny was all that mattered to Dally. In fact, Johnny's life is  so  valuable to him that he doesn't think he can live without Johnny. Pony deals with his grief over Johnny's death by pretending Johnny isn't dead, but Dally snaps goes on an all-out â€Å"suicide mission†.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

All-in-One Computer Security Systems Essay

All-in-one Computer Security Systems CIS/105 Some of the different programs that I choose to use as all-in-one security that has total protection are Norton Internet Security and McAfee has an exclusive active protection technology that analyzes and blocks threats in milliseconds. McAfee can immediately detect and remove viruses, even root kits, adware, spyware, and blocks. McAfee has a two-way firewall which blocks outsiders from hacking into your PC. The program also contains other features including ways to better the health of your PC. Norton Internet Security plus 360 versions 4. 0 warns you of dangerous downloads before you install and run them on your computer. Norton Internet Security has an extra layer of protection that detects viruses, spyware, Trojans and other threats. In addition Norton 360 4. 0 identifies applications that are impacting the performance of your PC. Using an all-in-one computer security protects your CPU from hijackers, identity theft, spyware, and virus. In addition using a security all in one center generally protects the user computer on its own. This keeps your system and all your information safe from others. There are some security programs which protect as well such as Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam, Anti-Root kit, Identity Protection, Link Scanner Active Surf, Link Scanner Search, Web Protection & Firewall, and Sophisticated threat detection. Using an all-in-one security system is effective because the programs are not conflicting with each other; instead they all work together within one system. An all-in-one security system will use less running memory than several security systems running parallel to each other. All-in-one security system is effective in many elements such physically secured security appliance, content discrimination, quick recovery from failure, highly configurable logging and notification, simplicity, high uptime, economy secure connections, well-conceived security system policies, scalability, distributed architecture, of IP addresses, secure remote management and communication, authentication, virtual private networking, and summarize and report network activity. What the all in one computer security systems protect against is with spyware, virus, identity theft, and hijackers. The all in one computer security systems block the threats from getting onto your computer as long as it is running at all times. References McAfee. McAfee Total Protection 2010. Retrieved from. http://download. mcafee. com/products/manuals/en-us/mtp_datasheet_2010. pdf Norton by Symantec. Top-ranked Protection. Norton 360â„ ¢ Version 6. 0. Retrieved from. http://us. norton. com/360 Internet Security Handbook. What Makes a Good Network Security System and effective security system. Retrieved from. http://www. watchguard. com/help/lss/41/handbook/need_fo3. htm

Monday, July 29, 2019

Texas Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Texas Government - Essay Example e to one, those that are legislative to another, as well as those that are judicial to another; and no individual, or group of individuals, being a member one of these arms, can exercise any power appropriately connected to either of the others, except for the instances that are expressly permitted under their law (Texas Constitution and Statutes, 2014). This structure resembles the U.S.’s government i.e. legislative, judicial and executive. Each branch has different roles and powers. The legislative arm formulates the laws. The executive arm, on the other hand, enforces or carries the laws and the judicial arm, also known as the court system, decides on legal matters and also interprets the laws (Texas Constitution and Statutes, 2014). To balance power further, the Texas Constitution incorporates a system of checks and balances in which each arm has methods of checking, or restraining, the other two. These checks assist in preventing one branch from managing the entire govern ment own its own. This is similar to the one of the U.S. Constitution (Texas Constitution and Statutes, 2014). Under Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, Section I offers Congress just those legislative powers herein contracted and goes on to list those acceptable actions under Section 8 of the same, whereas Section 9 explains actions, which are forbidden for the Congress (Kilman & Costello, 2000). The vesting section in Article II places no restrictions on the Executive branch, only stating that the executive command will be vested in a leader of the U.S. According to Article III, the Supreme Court, on the other hand, holds the judicial Power, and it developed the implication of judicial review in Madison v. Marbury under the U.S. Marshall court (Kilman & Costello, 2000). The federal regime refers to the arms as branches of government, whereas the Texas system uses the word "government" to refer to the executive branch (Kilman & Costello, 2000). The U.S. executive arm has tried to claim

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Paraphrase - Essay Example Moreover, the type of load has an effect on bending. Uniformly balanced loads have less bending effect compared to non-uniformly distributed loads. This is attributed to the fact that in uniformly distributed loads, the stress and pressure is distributed throughout the beam. In non-uniform loads, the loads are concentrated at a single point, thus stress is bigger and more bending occurs. Errors in this experiment are both systematic and random. They include error due to parallax and zero error where the sensitivity of the meter gauge was not factored in reading the values. Unwanted movements at the set-up could also have led to random errors. Such errors caused the results to slightly vary with the theoretical results. The behavior of different shaped beams and their deflections were studied and understood. The deflections varied with height, shape and the type of load; hence, the objective of the experiment was

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Three advantages of having globalization in Islamic Societies Term Paper

Three advantages of having globalization in Islamic Societies - Term Paper Example Globalization's flourishing of education has numerous advantages to Islamic Societies. First is the benefit of education that will not only make Muslims educated but will also enable them to fulfill their duties of attaining education (IslamiCentre 1). Through globalization, education will also become accessible to everybody and this will include the poor who would hugely benefit from a universal education because it would become affordable (if not free) and accessible to them (YaleInsights 1). Education will suddenly be transformed from being only available to the few and the elite to the general masses of Muslim. Globalization will also become education cheaper and thereby, affordable for almost every Muslim. The Muslims who never saw a classroom or a teacher can now be reached through globalization's global village that the day will come that every Muslim will become educated making Islamic society the center of learning again. Globalization’s advantage will also help propa gate the proper teachings of Islam. Its scholars would be able to reach more Muslims and this would result to more educated Muslims understanding the Quran and in the process helping them to become better Muslims and better persons. The proper teaching of Islam will also prevent its misuse where evil deeds are committed its name. Through the proper teaching of Islam, the extremists can no longer justify their acts because Muslims will find it unacceptable having understood the Quran well for they are properly educated. In the same manner, the West can no longer blame Islam for its terror because it will understand that Islam is never a religion of conflict and ignorance but a rather religion of peace and learning. A globalized environment will also increase the cooperation and collaboration between Islamic nations and it can lead to economic success in different Islamic countries. This can be done through increased trade, mutual protection and greater cooperation. Thus, poverty in t he Muslim world will cease and Islam can no longer be blamed for poverty. This will strengthen Islamic societies because when they are no longer poor, they will have more time and energy for study and self-development. In the process it will make Muslims closer to one another and in so doing, strengthens the bond between them making them brothers and sisters in Islam. This bond brought by globalization can address the common issue of Islam's fragmentation that Shininy stated in his study that there is lack of unity between various Arab nations. With globalization, there will be more opportunities for Muslims around the world to interact thereby making Muslims united again. In addition, globalization will make the mobility of people faster and this will help Muslims visit each other to foster unity. This unity can also counter the influence of the Western world and preserve the culture and tradition of Islam which had been assailed since (Shibiny X). In addition to the preservation o f Islamic culture and tradition from the influence of the West, globalization's trade can also lead to the strengthening of the ties of different nations in the Islamic world

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Boston Police Strike of 1919 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Boston Police Strike of 1919 - Term Paper Example The policemen tried at first to organise themselves into a union , having consulted the American Federation of Labor in June 1919. In August the police obtained a charter as a union ( Farmer 2011) but this was opposed by the police commissioner as he claimed that any police man was not an employee, but a ‘state officer’. It quickly developed into a ‘them’ and ‘us’ situation. The mayor took an extended holiday according to Wienke ( 2008) but without him Governor Coolidge and Attorney General Albert Pillsbury created legislation which made unionization by public employees illegal . These state officials concentrated upon the legitimacy, or lack of it, of the unionizing of these and other public employees, rather than the strength of the officers complaints. The chief of police, Police Commissioner Edwin U. Curtis, was also strongly opposed to this unionization and suspended the leaders of the group, and later other officers ( Boston Police Strike, undated) and organised police substitutes (Wienke, 2008) . The officers went out on strike on September 9, 1919. The same article quotes Calvin Coolidge, then the state governor, who stated that â€Å"There is no right to strike against the public peace by anybody, anywhere, any time.† He then went on to call in the Massachusetts Guard to break the strike, which it did in one day. The policemen involved were not allowed to return to their posts, and instead the jobs were given to returning servicemen. The new force received better wages, worked shorter hours and had government supplied uniforms.... In August the police obtained a charter as a union ( Farmer 2011) but this was opposed by the police commissioner as he claimed that any police man was not an employee, but a ‘state officer’. It quickly developed into a ‘them’ and ‘us’ situation. The mayor took an extended holiday according to Wienke ( 2008) but without him Governor Coolidge and Attorney General Albert Pillsbury created legislation which made unionization by public employees illegal . These state officials concentrated upon the legitimacy, or lack of it, of the unionizing of these and other public employees, rather than the strength of the officers complaints. The chief of police, Police Commissioner Edwin U. Curtis, was also strongly opposed to this unionization and suspended the leaders of the group, and later other officers ( Boston Police Strike, undated) and organised police substitutes (Wienke, 2008) . The officers went out on strike on September 9, 1919. The same article quotes Calvin Coolidge, then the state governor, who stated that â€Å"There is no right to strike against the public peace by anybody, anywhere, any time.† He then went on to call in the Massachusetts Guard to break the strike, which it did in one day. The policemen involved were not allowed to return to their posts, and instead the jobs were given to returning servicemen. The new force received better wages, worked shorter hours and had government supplied uniforms. The message was clear – striking will get you nowhere (Barclay , 2011). The strikers were labelled as deserters and even traitors. There was an attempt to bring the two sides together with James Storrow, a banker, proposing that the police be allowed to have a

Nutritional guide to my plate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutritional guide to my plate - Essay Example The best energy giving foods that a person should consume are the grains. They have the energy contents that are essential for boosting the energy level of people. Moreover, eating the grains is very healthy and effective for males who do jobs that are tiresome and tedious. On the other hand, mothers should always put protein on the table in every meal for as proteins help in the body repair of an individual. Moreover, proteins are essential especially for young girls who are in puberty stage and loss of weight during their monthly periods. Proteins are very important in body repair and body building. Conversely, protein is needed by everybody in their lives and everyone must ensure that they consume some good amount of the proteins. However, proteins are categorized into different groups. The first category of protein is the animal protein. The next category of proteins is the plant proteins. The animal protein includes flesh. Flesh can either be red meat or white meat. White meat includes chicken and fish while red meat includes beef. It is prudent for one to consume a white meat than red meat. Red meat has very many health problems as compared to the white meat. The plant protein includes such foods as green grams and soya beans. On the other hand, fruits include things like banana, oranges and water melons. In conclusion, good health begins with a proper diet. Another important thing that one must consider is a number of the meals that they consume. The quantity should be proportionate as listed above.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Types of Journalism, Mass Media and Communication in History Essay

Types of Journalism, Mass Media and Communication in History - Essay Example The Vietnam War was adequately pictured and recorded by photojournalists and this prompted the international community to react promptly and put an end to these merciless killings (Vaughan and Thomas 405). In such instances, most of these repressive regimes leadership becomes hostile to such individuals and in some cases subject them to torture and psychological traumas (Deephouse and David 1096). The primary aim of Journalism, for instance during war periods is to ensure that all acts of injustices are pictured to attract actions from the government and the international community. The media fraternity as a whole has undergone numerous changes and challenges in equal measure (Deephouse and David 1099). In a tense political setting, for instance, the involvement of the media in ensuring proper checks and balances of the repressive regime to ensure that all acts against humanity are articulately recorded and appropriate actions against perpetrators reported. However, a photojournalist, like any other professionals must operate within some set rules and standards as dictated by the society (Deephouse and David 1113). Their actions should be such that any reasonable man in their situation will define as â€Å"normal† and as pro-human dignity. A photojournalist, for instance, is expected to record and report honest accounts of events as they happened without any form of manipulation. They should not give in to any form of intimidation be it physical or psychological in a bid by fraudulent to manipulate the true accounts of the recorded events. Integrity and honesty are crucial qualities a photojournalist must be in a possession of.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Managing People - Essay Example Ineffective leadership, poor organizational culture, poor management styles, poor working conditions, lack of work life balancing, lack of career development opportunities etc. are some of the major reasons that prevent employees from delivering their bests. This report analyses the importance of employee engagement, employee involvement and leadership styles, taking McDonalds Corporation as an example. Founded by Maurice and Richard McDonald in 1940 and operating in 119 countries, McDonalds is world’s largest the fast food business group now. Around 1.7 million people were employed by McDonalds in its 14000 restaurants operating at different parts of the world (Reward Gateway UK, 2014). The 1.7 million workforces of McDonalds are extremely diverse since the company is operating in different parts of the world. Management of diverse or multicultural workforce is not as easy as the management of a single cultural workforce. The leaders and the managers of the company should implement effective HR strategies to bring out the maximum productivity of the employees. According to Torrington et al (2011), HRM is all management activities that help an organization to use its workforce to make things happen in a productive way. Even though an organization may have many resources such as machine, money and materials, none of them are as important as manpower resources. It should be noted that manpower is the only active resource of an organization and it is necessary to mobilize all other resources. Ineffective workforce may waste all other organizational resources whereas effective or skilled workforce may use all other resources in an efficient manner. In short, manpower resource is the most important resource for all organizations. According to Boxall & Purcell (2012), effective utilization of manpower resource is one of the most important HR functions. The success and failure of an organization depends on how well the leaders

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Should professional sports stadiums be funded with public money Essay

Should professional sports stadiums be funded with public money - Essay Example The reasons presented in support of such doings is that building of stadiums leads to increased employment opportunities, increased tax, and revenues hence boosting the local and the regional economies. Additionally, supporters of public funding argue that projects aimed at building stadiums encourage revitalization of cities that could be facing economic challenges. Proponents of public funding for stadiums argue that stadiums bring a sense of pride and add to the city’s prestige, which they claim to be important. As opposed to this believe, professional stadiums construction end up using more resources than the returns obtained. The projects results in unprecedented taxes in addition to usage of both municipal and county resource with little economic benefit in return. This paper argues that professional sports stadiums, which major sports leagues can easily afford to construct, should not be funded with public money as it affects taxpayers, brings them little real benefit, and takes away public money from more important projects. Irrespective of the owners of major leagues in the United States being extremely rich, they keep turning back to the government for funding whenever they want to build a stadium. The four major leagues that have in the past demanded for public funding to build stadium include National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Football League (NFL), the National Hockey League (NHL), and the Major League Baseball (MLB).1 The above named leagues are currently using stadiums that either have been constructed or refurbished with public funds. The argument that the public should fund such projects became popular particularly in the 1990’s from when approximately $30 billion of taxpayers’ money has been used in construction and renovation of professional sports stadiums. It is so demeaning when some of the richest persons in the American society require to be funded by the public, which requires that the costs be born e by taxpayers. 2 This is irrespective of the fact that the owners of the leagues end up being the chief beneficiaries after the completion of the projects. Most members of the public end up paying increased taxes. However, they are aware that they will never reap any benefits from the projects.3 A number of arguments are given by proponents of public funding professional stadiums, the main one being that stadiums help increase the value of franchises. On the contrary, the benefits associated with increased value of franchises are too minimal compared to the expenses incurred in both construction and maintenance of the stadiums. Asking the public to fund professional stadiums, which are privately owned, is equivalent to using public money for personal or private gain. This is because the league or team owners pocket the income gained directly from the use of the stadiums. The players might reap benefits form increased league income, but the taxpayer who funds the stadium does not ge t even a dime from the incomes realized.4 Additionally, the argument that sports stadiums boost the economy of states and cities is unsubstantiated. On the contrary, stadiums do not create any new wealth but they just facilitate redistribution of the revenues gained from entertainment. If there are any economic benefits, they are negligible and profit just a few people while taxes affect almost all people. The costs of putting up a stadium outweigh the benefits. As opposed to what proponents of pub

Monday, July 22, 2019

Modernism and Postmodernism in Product Design Essay Example for Free

Modernism and Postmodernism in Product Design Essay Modernism and Postmodernism are two important thought in design. The Postmodernism is evolution from the Modernism. The modern movement of the 1930s through post-modernism of the 1960s. Although that in this modern society, it is still using Modernist and Postmodernist design. Modernism and Postmodernism have their own principles and sign. In the following paragraph, I will go to identify the different between Modernism and Postmodernism in product design. And also analyze each Modernist and Postmodernist product. Firstly, the period of Modernism started in beginning of 20 century. Modernism occurred in 1930s. It influenced by Bauhaus design principles in 1919. Its founder was Walter Gropius. The inspiration come from Russian Constructrism and De Stijl and search for clear similar idea to De Stijl. There are 3 important principles; form follows function, economy of form and truth to materials. That function became the fundamental beliefs of modernism. Therefore modernist product designs are base on function. Its products are more practicality. Modernism is object too much superfluous decorate. (Mattox 1995, [Online]) It is advocate simplify, geometric, clear, neat and tiny. It usually presents the meaning in directly (Mattox 1995, [Online]) The material of modernist design is stress on good quality. Therefore all of the modernist designs take on geometric, simplify and functional (Mattox 1995, [Online]) Now I am going to talk about some modernist product. Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.37 The first of the modernist product is a lamp. It calls AJ Visor. It was designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1956. He is a modernist designer. When he established his own practice in 1930, he introduced the modernist aesthetic to Denmark (Wilhide 2000, p.37) His style is simple. This lamp looks simple. It has a metal shade and it is steeply angled. The minimalism of the stand and the stem give that look alertness and focus. (Wilhide 2000, p.37) This design based on the function, it can provide the concentrated directional lighting for reading. The metal shade like a visor, it can shield the eyes from the glare of the light. Metal is a one of the modernistic material. The base is circular and it cut out a circle in the base. It can balance the lamp to stand. (Wilhide 2000, p.36) Overall, it is poise and refinement. (Wilhide 2000, p.37) It uses the white colour and simple shape to make user feel an elegant and simple life style. Therefore it is a modernist design. Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.32 Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.33 The second modernist product is a light. It calls Tube light. It was designed by Eileen Gray in 1927. She is a modernist. Her style is simple and elegant. She likes to use some new materials in her period such as tubular steel. (Wilhide 2000, p.32) This light has a long light tube. The tube supported by slim chromium plated steel frame. This kind of material is a good quality in her period. It looks simple and it no more decoration. In this design, it base on function. The only one function is for lighting. From this light, it show that Gray expect have a simple, harmonious and comfortable life. (Wilhide 2000, p.33) This light is a typical of modernist design. Barcelona, in Stimpson 1987, p.69 The third modernist product going to analyze is a table. It called Barcelona. It was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1930. It designed for the Tugendhat House. (Stimpson 1987, p.69) It made of flat bar steel and it has a joint welded in X shape be the frame. It has a glass top be the surface of the table. (Stimpson 1987, p.69) It is a simple and traditional table. It shape in square and has four legs. The surface of the table is flat and square. It is a practical table. Therefore, this table proof that the modernist design is geometric, simplify and functional one more time. And also meaning modernist designer expect have a simple life style. Wassily Chair, DWR [online] The last modernist product is this chair, called Wassily Chair. It was designed by Marcel Breuer in 1925. The Breuer Wassily has few equals. However, Marcel Breuer may not be as famous as his modernist contemporaries Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, he was certainly as brilliant a furniture designer. (DWR, [online]). The first bent tubular-steel chair ever, is a case in point; all first tries should be this good. (DWR, [online]) The chair is using the daring and fresh colour to printing. That can animated character brings life to any residence or office. This is a modernist product. Secondly, Postmodernist: Decoration and appropriation, the return of narrative and content. (Postmodernism 2001, [online]) The period of Postmodernism is start at the end of 20 Century. Postmodernism is stress on the decoration and the looking. Their design is base on their feeling and what the meaning they want to present. It was also not affect by popular culture. Each Postmodernist design or product can be present each designers thought and their own culture. They like to develop some classic or modernism design to Postmodernism. (Chan 2000, [online]) Postmodernist design is not usually presents the meaning in directly. It means the meaning is not clear. The material of Postmodernist design is depending on the designer. They use everything which can be present their feeling and meaning to make the Postmodernist Product. Therefore Postmodernist design is advocate progressive, Contextual, multiple view, complexity and abstract. (Mattox 1995, [Online]) Now I am going to give some exa mple to prove my definition. Alessi SpA, in Collins 1994, p.140 The first of the postmodernist design go to discuss is a set of tea and coffee service. It call Aircraft carrier. It was designed by Hans Hollein in 1983. The whole set of tea and coffee service is made by silver. The teapot and cups is position on its carrier-shaped tray. The teapot is shaped like a plane. The idea of this tea and coffee service is from the Aircraft carrier. The cups and teapot seem like it ready to take off in the users hands. (Collins 1994, p.140) In this product, designer develops the shape of cups, teapot and the tray to unlike other tea and coffee service to achieve meaning which he wants to present. He also use the silver be the material It can present the Aircraft carrier is cool. (Collins 1994, p.140) This design is base on the designers feeling and his meaning which he wants to present. From this we can distinguish this is a postmodernist design. Alessi SpA, in Collins 1994, p.137 The second postmodernist product is a kettle. It called Bollitore. It was designed by Richard Sapper in 1983. It made by stainless-steel. It have a dome-shaped body and with a whistle in the drain of the kettle which shape like the end of a Wild West six-shooter. When the water boiling, the kettle can produce the sound of an American steam locomotive. (Collins 1994, p.136) The shape of the handle looks like the cockscomb. The idea of this kettle is come from the Wild West in American. In this kettle, designer use the Wild West six-shooter shape and the sound of American steam locomotive to achieve the meaning which he want to present. (Collins 1994, p.136) From this we also can distinguish this is a postmodernist design. Chair_one, unica home [online] The third postmodernist product is Chair_one. It was designed by Konstantin Grcic 2003. This is a brand new product. The chair_one is an exceptionally versatile indoor or outdoor seating system. (Unica home, [online]) It can use in different version such as fixed, swivel and stacking. And it made by strong aluminum, cataphoretically-treated and painted in red, white or anthracite polyester powder. (Unica home, [online]) The chair shape likes skeleton. It can present the designer meaning and feeling. Actually this chair is for the decoration more than the functionally. Thurs, this is a postmodernist design. Torso armchair and sofa, unica home [online] The final product is an armchair and sofa. It was designed by Paolo Deganello in 1982. It was a cassina collection with the series offer armchairs and sofa with steel structure, polyurethane foam and polyester padding upholstered in either fabric or leather and attached to the frame by elastic webbing. (Unica Home, [online]) The armchair can be a bed It used the bright colour to be more attractive. The customers can choose any colour of the chair. The designer wanted to present the freedom of the life. This is a postmodernist design. In my conclusion, Modernism and Postmodernism have there own principles. Under my research, I find out the main idea of Modernism is base on the function and present the meaning directly and clearly. It advocates simple design. It also objects too much decorates (Mattox 1995, [Online]). The idea of Postmodernism is base on the decoration and the looking. It advocates individual creative thinking and not present the meaning directly and clearly (Nip 2001, [online]). Overall, Modernism and Postmodernism have their own characteristic. They can let designer bring more idea. Bibliography Bicket, 1998, Modernism and Postmodernism Some Symptoms Useful Distinctions, [online], (21/05/1998 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Bicket 1998, [online]) Chan Kai Fung, 2000, The style of Postmodernism, [online], (1/10/2000 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Chan 2000, [online]) Collins, Michael, 1994, Towards Post-Modernism Design since 1851, British Museum Press, London (Collins 1994, p. ) Design within research, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: (DWR, [online]) Nip Yan Choi, 2001, Talking about Postmodernism, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Nip 2001, [online]) Postmodernism, [online], (04/2001 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Postmodernism 2001, [online]) Stimpson, Miriam 1987, Modern Furniture Classics, The Architectural Press Ltd., London (Stimpson 1987, p.) Wilhide, Elizabeth 2000, Living With Modern Classics, The Light, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York (Wilhide 2000, p.) Unica Home, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: catalog/item.asp?id=12972 (10/08/2004 access date)

Commercial banks Essay Example for Free

Commercial banks Essay ABSTRACT This report is based on corporate social responsibility. This project report contains the meaning of CSR which includes the advantage of CSR towards bank, society, responsibility of corporate houses, objective of CSR, motive of CSR, responsibility towards customer. This document is all about multidimensional growth of customers for which the bank liable for their service selling. This process leads to upliftment of people life. The banks are not bind to do so but the do these kind of activities for creating a goodwill sense among their customer which leads to growth in lifestyle of the overall society. This gives better environment to the society in which the bank is working. Hence, the present study titled â€Å"A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS CUSTOMERS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN MADURAI†, has assumed greater significance. INTRODUCTION Corporate social responsibility ( CSR, also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, or sustainable responsible business/Responsible Business) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulation mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. CSR is a process with aim to embrace responsibility for the banks actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Banks play an active role for the economic development of any country. In a present competitive environment bank needs to retain its customer for effective development in any sector. Hence there arises need for corporate social responsibility then only it will leads to development of society as well as growth in bank sector. The present study aims to know the effectiveness of CSR in commercial banks with special reference to Madurai. In this context following questions arises. To measure the level of social obligation To measure the level of effectiveness of corporate social responsibility towards customers of commercial banks. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: To study the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility towards customers of commercial banks. METHODOLOGY The present study is an empirical one based on the survey method. First hand data was collected from the field through interview schedule. Data relating to various customers of commercial banks in Madurai was gathered through interview schedule. The schedule structured was extensively pretested. The survey envisaged the application of convenience sampling. Thus a sample of 300 respondents was decided upon nature of the commercial banks in Madurai. The survey was conducted during 2012-2013 in commercial banks from state Bank of India, Indian bank, Canara Bank, Karurvysya bank, HDFC bank, Axis bank, ICICI bank in Madurai. ANALYSIS INTERPRETATION GARRET RANKING Garret Ranking is used to find out the ranking for respondents opinion towards the enhancing customer value for public sector, private sector, and New generation banks. Step I:  Ranking given by respondents opinion on enhancing customer value TABLE 1 RANKING OF RESPONDENTS opinion towards enhancing customer value. S.No.AttributesRankTotal 12345 1.Sharing bank details1866231129300 2.Comfortable0120524880300 3.Time management00018282300 4.Man management1515765270300 5.Filling forms22120539213300 Source: Primary Data Step II : The assigned ranks by the respondents were converted into percent position value by the formula given below. For each percent position, Using Garrett’s table, corresponding Garrett’s table value is obtained. Formula Per cent Position = 100 (Rij – 0.5) / Nj Rij = Rank given for the ith variable by the jth respondent Nj = Number of variables ranked by the jth respondent. GARRETT’S TABLE VALUE RanksCalculationPercentageGarrett’s Table Value I Rank=100*(1-0.5)/5= 10= 75 II Rank=100*(2-0.5)/5= 30= 60 III Rank=100*(3-0.5)/5= 50= 50 IV Rank=100*(4-0.5)/5= 70= 40 V Rank=100*(5-0.5)/5= 90= 25 Source: Computed data. Step III: Scores are obtained with reference to Garrett’s Table value, and each percentage position value is converted into scores. Here each aggregated ranks are multiplied with corresponding the Garrett’s value obtained in the table. AGGREGATED RANKS Sl. No.AttributesRank 12345 1.Sharing bank details1395037201550840225 2.Comfortable07200260033602000 3.Time management00012607050 4.Man management113253420325018900 5.Filling forms1650720026506440325 Source: Computed data. Step IV: Summation of the scores is worked out for each rank column and means scores calculated by dividing the total score by the number of respondents. Finally, overall ranking is obtained by assigning ranks 1, 2, 3 †¦ in the descending order of mean score. OVERALL RANKING for respondents opinion on enhancing customer value S. No.ReasonTotal ScoreAverageRank 1.Sharing bank details2028567.6I 2.Comfortable1526050.53IV 3.Time management831027.7V 4.Man management1988566.28II 5.Filling forms1826560.89III INFERENCE It is observed from the table Sharing bank details† has been ranked as the first for the Man management has been ranked second, Filling forms third position, followed by Comfortable in fourth rank with Time management ranked as the fifth that influences the respondents opinion on enhancing customer value the in bank’s CONCLUSION Although creating customer satisfaction is not a prime motivation for instituting corporate social Responsibility programs , research linking CSR strategies with positive customer outcomes, such as loyalty, has led to the expectation that these strategies generally have positive flow-on effects for customers. Banking industry surveys have led to the identification of a mismatch between consumer satisfaction levels and massive spending on CSR programs. Further research is warranted. In view of research suggesting that retail banking customers prefer initiatives that create direct customer benefits compared to those that have broader social impacts. To conclude the CSR activities in all the three study banks are not effective. It is proper time on their to promote CSR related activities.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Revenge Themes In Hamlet English Literature Essay

Revenge Themes In Hamlet English Literature Essay Hamlet is a tragic play by William Shakespeare that consists of numerous deaths. It is believed to have been written between the year 1599 and the year 1601. The play is set in Denmark and describes how Prince Hamlet demands revenge on his uncle Claudius for killing his father, who was the previous King, and then rising to the throne and getting hitched to Gertrude, who was Hamlets mother. The play intensely moves the course of real and contrived madness, from devastating grief to livid rage and looks at the themes of revenge, treachery, moral corruption and incest. Hamlet is among the most quoted literature works in the English language, and it is time and again included on the lists of some of the worlds greatest literature. In this regard, it echoes through the literature of the later centuries. One academic, Laurie Osborne, identified the direct control of Hamlet in copious narratives of modern times, and splits them into four main categories.   Ã‚   In this play these two characters Laertes and Hamlet both want to revenge their fathers deaths. Hamlet with his inert and devious approach at the end manages to kill his fathers murderer, who was his uncle Claudius. On the other hand Laertes with his straight and vigorous dedication kills his fathers killer, who was Prince Hamlet. Even though Laertes took a more direct approach than Hamlet not wasting time, they both accomplished their aim but at the eventual price of their lives! During the early 17th century, this Shakespeare play was renowned for its ghoul and vibrant dramatization of misery and lunacy, leading to a demonstration of mad aristocrats and ladies in Caroline and Jacobean drama. Although it stayed well-liked with mass audiences, the late 17th-century restitution critics viewed Hamlet as archaic and disapproved of its lack of modesty and unity. This view drastically changed during the 18th century, when critics considered Hamlet as a champion-a brilliant, pure, young man propelled into ill-fated circumstances. But by the mid-18th century, the advent of Gothic literature brought mystical and psychological readings, returning the Ghost and madness to the forefront. It was not until the late 18th century that performers and critics began to view Hamlet as inconsistent and confusing. These advancements represented an essential change in literary criticism that came to center more on character and less on the plot of the play. By the 19th century, the re were romantic critics who valued Hamlet for its inner, individual divergence that reflected the strong modern emphasis on inner struggles and internal character in general. Even then, critics began to concentrate on Hamlets delay as a character trait and not as a plot device. This focus on internal struggle and character persisted into the 20th century, when criticism split in several directions. Synopsis The central character of Hamlet is Denmarks Prince Hamlet, who is the son of the recently departed King Hamlet and his spouse, Queen Gertrude. During the time the young Hamlet is away at school the brother of the newly deceased King, Claudius, is nominated king and hurriedly marries Gertrude. The play begins on a cold night at the royal Danish castle. Francisco, who is one of the guards, is relieved of his watching duty by Bernardo, another guard, and goes away while Bernardo remains on stage. There after a third guard, Marcellus enters in the company of Horatio, who is Hamlets best friend. The guards notify Horatio that they have seen a spirit that resembles the departed King Hamlet. Once Hamlet heard of the appearance of the Ghost from Horatio, he decides to see the Ghost for himself. During that very night, the spirit comes out again. It guides Hamlet to a secluded place and discloses that it is the actual Ghost of his father and reveals that he, the senior Hamlet, was killed by Claudius who poured poison in his ear. The spirit demands the vengeance of his death. In the course of revenging his fathers death, Hamlet in one way or another caused the death of numerous innocent people. When Gertrude sent for Hamlet to her closet to demand an explanation for his recent behavior, Hamlet obliges. On his way to see Gertrude, Hamlet passed Claudius who was in prayer but vacillates to kill him, thinking that passing away in prayer would send him to heaven. On reaching the queen, a squabble erupts between Gertrude and Hamlet. Polonius, who was spying on the scene, panicked when it looked like Hamlet was about to kill the Queen and cried out for help. Hamlet, believed that it is Claudius who was hiding behind the arras and stabbed violently through the cloth, and instantly killing Polonius With the sad loss of her father, and also her recently lost relationship with Hamlet, Ophelia becomes mad. Her brother, Laertes wants revenge for the death of their father Polonius. Claudius suggests a fencing match that was to be between Hamlet and Laertes, because Hamlet was envious of Laertes expertise with a sword. Because Laertes was enraged at the slaying of his father, he informs the king that he would also poison the tip of his sword so that even a mere graze would mean certain demise. If that plan does not work, they would have a glass of wine containing poison that Hamlet would drink from. What can be learned from this is that the thought of revenge is healthy, but, actually going through with it by trying to murder a person who you have a bad connection with may not be a very good idea. The entire events took place mainly because of the slaying of Hamlets father ending up in a big tragedy because of the death of many others even more than the two who were concerned, Claudi us and his nephew Hamlet. Revenge is also demonstrated by Claudius after the death of his friend and most trust worthy chief counselor. Because Claudius feared for his life, he finally came up with a legitimate excuse to get rid of the prince, making plans to send Hamlet to England apparently on a diplomatic trip, and to be closely watched by Guildenstern and Rosencrantz. Alone, Claudius reveals that he is sending Hamlet to his demise. Afterwards a story spreads around that Hamlets ship was assailed by pirates on its way to England. Luckily King Claudius plan fails and Hamlet survives and goes back to Denmark. Claudius wanted to kill hamlet because he was a threat to him and also because he had killed Polonius. The lack of thinking that is used in executing the revenge was what led to the deaths Hamlet and of Laertes. This can be demonstrated when Laertes was planning with Claudius to kill Hamlet using the poisoned tipped sword. Strangely they had not thought that the sword could be used on them. Laertes having believed the Kings accusations that Hamlet had killed his father; he fought Hamlet and wounded him with the poisoned sword. Hamlet went on to wound Laertes with the same poison tipped sword, leading to his death. Hamlet had many opportunities to kill his uncle, but his wrath overshadowed his sound judgment; so he chose to wait until he could find the perfect chance, to smack him down into a world of everlasting damnation. Now might I do it pat, now he is prayingA villain kills my father; and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven?[Act 3, Scene 3, lines 74-98].   Hamlet waits until when he can slay his uncle while he is sinning but unluckily for Hamlet, his n ext chance to take revenge on Claudius is during his own death.   Revenge is also seen when the troupe of actors came to town. Because Hamlet was uncertain if the Ghost had told him the truth, he devised a way in which he could know for sure if his uncle is the one who killed his father. The entrance of a troupe of actors at Ellsinore presented him with a solution. He decided to stage a play that will re-enact his fathers murder so as to determine Claudiuss innocence or guilt by reading his reaction. People assembled at the court to watch the play; Hamlet provided a frantic running commentary throughout the play. When the murder scene is presented, which was a scene of king being killed; Claudius suddenly rose and left the room, which Hamlet sees as proof of his uncles guilt. Work cited Bradbrook M.C. Shakespeare: the poet in his world. Oxon: Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1978 Michael Innes, John Innes and Mackintosh Stewart. Hamlet, Revenge!. Cornwall: House of Stratus, 2001. Prosser, Eleanor. Hamlet revenge. California: Stanford university press, 1971 Rebecca, Dunn. Hamlet. Minnesota: Magic Wagon, 2009

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Sustainability is defined as the ability to be sustain, support, uphold, or confirm which my group and I were able to present during our presentation. We were assigned to 13.53 acres of land, ten single family homes, two sets of five townhouses, food and a playground. Our land had one identifiable feature which was a stream that ran around the length of our property and crossed over occasionally. We made sure that our power lines were underground and that during construction we put in drainage ditches. Our ten single family homes carried around thirty people who would live in them. Our two sets of five townhouses carried around twenty people who would also live in them. Each single family would have three solar panels. Each townhouse would have fifteen solar panels, and all houses would carry compost toilets. Lastly, our playground is right around the corner from our housing complex. The playground is also completely made from recycled material. Instead of using things to power up out energy we would use natural resources to power up things in order for it to be beneficial. Our 100...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Cuban Revolution Essays -- Pérez-Stable Fidel Castro Ernesto Che G

Understanding the Insurrection and Seizure of Power [1952-1959] Marifeli Pà ©rez-Stable looks back at the Cuban Revolution through a sociological lens in her book The Cuban Revolution. Pà ©rez-Stable claims that Cubans held national independence and social justice as goals ever since the end of the nineteenth century. Radical nationalism remained important in Cubans’ view of themselves and their ideals. Thus, Pà ©rez-Stable argues that the origins of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 lie in the independence movement against Spain and the frustrations from the unfulfilled goals they had kept since before the turn of the century (Pà ©rez-Stable 1998, p 4). In the introduction of The Cuban Revolution, the author lists six factors which made Cuba "susceptible" to radical revolution (it is interesting to note that Pà ©rez-Stable is essentially giving no credit to the 26th of July Movement and Castro, but rather she is noting how the Cuban society was susceptible to revolution). The six factors listed are: mediated sovereignty, sugar-centered development, uneven modernization, the crisis of political authority, the weakness of the clases econà ³micas, and the relative strength of the clases populares (Pà ©rez-Stable, p 7). The vicious circle with the U.S. and sugar plays a big role in the situation and in the 1950’s. As Pà ©rez-Stable points out, without sugar there could be no Cuba, but there is no benefits to sugar without the U.S. market. The importance of social classes was also paramount, especially the unionized working class. On a more political level, Pà ©rez-Stable discusses the anti-Platt politics and the implications of the Constitution of 1940. According to Pà ©rez-Stable, "The Constitution of 1940 reestablished democracy and r... ...tions that may have weakened or slowed its progress. The revolutionary government of Grau San Martà ­n was a good example of how too many unions during the rise of a movement starts to be counterproductive. The coalition formed under Grau San Martà ­n never succeeded, in part, because nobody in the coalition was fully satisfied. The left never felt that Grau was radical enough, and the influence from the right eventually swayed Grau in their direction. In both 1933 and 1959, the communists wanted a "full" revolution, and thanks to the Castro’s narrow revolution strategy, a full revolution succeeded. The small nature of the revolution allowed Castro to direct it exactly as he wanted to, and to avoid allies slowing him down. During this time, Castro and his barbudos were able to win over many peasants and urban people alike, and eventually gain the support of the nation.

technology Essay -- essays research papers

THURSDAY, July 21 (HealthDay News) -- Following surgery, a single dose of the cancer drug carboplatin is just as effective, and less toxic, than the standard three weeks of radiation therapy traditionally used to fight stage 1 seminoma, a form of testicular cancer, British researchers report. In addition, treatment with carboplatin results in the development of fewer new seminomas compared with traditional radiation therapy, according to the report in the July 23 issue of The Lancet. For the past half-century, the standard care for seminoma has been to remove the cancerous testicle, usually followed by three weeks of radiotherapy. However, the researchers point to previous studies that found that patients followed for up to 30 years post-treatment still faced an increased risk of cancer in other organs, as well as heart disease. Patients may finally have a new option, however. "We have defined a new standard for patients with testicular cancer," said lead author Dr. Tim Oliver, a professor of medical oncology at St. Bartholomew's and The London School of Medicine. "It's proven to be as safe as radiation, and it's less toxic." In their study, Oliver and colleagues randomly assigned nearly 1,500 patients with stage 1 seminoma to a single course of post-surgery carboplatin or radiation therapy. After three years of follow-up, they report that survival without relapse was similar in both groups -- 94.8 percent among those who received carboplatin compare...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Short-Term Memory: The Second Stage in Memory Processing

Introduction to Psychology Psychology 101, Section 8 October 26, 2010 Short-Term Memory The short-term memory is the lead to our long lasting remembers. Short-term memory is the second stage in the memory processing (Huffman). The short-term memory is the part of the memory that temporarily stores and processes information from the sensory memory and holds it until it decides if the information will be sent to the third stage or long-term memory (Huffman). The short-term memory stores a mixture of perceptual analyses information (Huffman).The short-term memory works in different ways to increase its small capacity; it uses rehearsal and chunking to be able to remember more things at once (Huffman). Rehearsal is when a person repeats information over and over again to maintain it fresh in the memory and chunking is grouping separate pieces of information into a single group (Huffman). The short-term memory is also known as the â€Å"working memory† because it’s always re ceiving information from the sensory memory and sending to the long-term memory (Huffman).I will be discussing the difference between short-term memory and long-term memory, the theory of decay, and the working memory. Difference The main difference between short-term memory and long-term memory is the capacity that each one has. According to Michael E. Martinez the two memories work together a cognitive architecture or the mind’s basic structure. In the short-term memory a person can only think of a few ideas at a time (Martinez). One of the characteristics of the short-term memory is that is small compare to the long-term memory which has a larger capacity (Martinez).Information flows between the short-term memory to the long-term memory, depending on the direction and different kinds of thinking results (Martinez). Short-term memory is the route entry to long-term memory or the holding template until the long-term memory processes are complete (Lewis). One example the Mart inez gives is when information flows from short-term memory into long-term memory it produces learning. When information leaves flows from long-term memory back to short-term memory is called recognition or recall, which happens whenever we think about a previously known fact, person, or event (Martinez).Each memory has it’s owe limitations; the short-term memory has a small capacity making it hard to think about many things at once, while the long-term memory does not record experience completely and accurately (Martinez). Unlike the long-term memory the short-term memory has chunking, which allows the short-term memory to hold more and more information. The capacity does not change but chunk grows in complexity which allows the short-term memory to handle more data (Martinez). DecayDecay is a theory that has a long history in accounting for forgetting (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). This is said to happen because as time passes, information in the memory erodes and is less av ailable for retrieval (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). Berman, Jonides, and Lewis present different experiment to examine if decay is a cause of forgetting. One study that they present is the classic study of Peterson and Peterson (1959): â€Å"Consider the classic study of Peterson and Peterson (1959), originally thought to provide strong evidence for decay.In this experiment, participants were given a letter trigram to store, followed by a retention interval that varied from 3 to 18 s. During the retention interval, participants were required to count backward by threes to prevent rehearsal of the memorandum. Following the retention interval, participants recalled the item in memory. Peterson and Peterson found that performance declined as retention intervals increased, and the authors attributed this decline to increasing decay of the memory trace with increasing time.The attribution of this effects to decay mechanism is, however, suspect. † The arguments that counting backwa rd could not be a source of interference because their secondary task differed from the item to be stored in memory (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). But the case is that counting task requires short-term memory retention, which is the main memory task (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). Another problem in assessing the role of decay on short-term memory is the habitual tendency of rehearse materials that are to retain (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis).An example that Berman, Jonides, Lewis give is when we look up a phone number in the directory and then walk to the phone, we rehearse the number in our head until it is dialed. They are trying to come up with different techniques to prevent rehearsal, to get an accurate gauge of whether decay has an effect on memory (Berman, Jonides, and Lewis). Working Memory Theory based research has revealed that working memory is a system that allows a person to maintain task goals, update memory to meet current demands, and to separate memory to form relations hips (Shelton, Matthews, Hill, and Gouvier).The working memory is also referred to a general purpose system that is responsible for the active task or goal relevant information while simultaneously processing other information (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). The general purpose system includes: problem solving, reading, coordination and planning, and the basic intellectual functions, which leads to research on the capacity of the working memory (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). â€Å"Beginning with Daneman and Carpenter (1980), most researchers have utilized complex working memory span tasks in which to-be-remembered items are interspersed with some processing activity. For nstance, in the reading span task participants attempt to remember words or letters while reading and comprehending sentences. These tasks can be contrasted with simple memory span tasks in which TBR items are presented without any additional processing activities.The complex span tasks nicely capture the idea that the of processing and storage are needed to fully understand the essence of working memory and tap its capacity. Furthermore, these tasks can be used to estimate an individual’s working memory capacity and examine the correlation between this capacity and other important cognitive abilities (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). The possible that the complex span tasks do not file overall resources abilities but rather that the processing task displaces items from the working memory (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). Also according to the task-switching view, a person may place an item in the working memory, and a rapid switching mechanism is needed to refresh the item before it is lost due to decay (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). The faster the information can be complete and switch back to decaying representations, the better the overall performance will be (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer).There is also a difference in the amount of capacity from individual to individual (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). There are two components that individuals may differ on: first component is the need to actively maintain information over the short term and the second is the need to retrieve information that could not be actively maintain due to a large number of incoming items (Unsworth, Spillers, and Brewer). The short-term memory has it’s mysteries due to the amount of information that one can keep and pass on.One thing is for sure is that without it we will not know what information are relevant for one to keep or decay. Now one can understand the relationship and difference between short-term and long-term memory, the theory of decay, and why the short-term memory is the working memory.References Berman, M. , Jonides, J. , & Lewis, R. (2009). In search of decay in verbal short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,35(2), 317-333. doi:10. 1037/a0014873. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Huffman, K. (2010). Memory,(9th ed. Psychology in action. (242-275) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lewis, D. (1979). Psychobiology of active and inactive memory. Psychological Bulletin,  86(5), 1054-1083. doi:10. 1037/0033-2909. 86. 5. 1054. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Martinez, M. (2010). Human Memory The Basics. Phi Delta Kappan,  91(8), 62-65. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Shelton, J. , Elliott, E. , Matthews, R. , Hill, B. , & Gouvier, W. (2010). The relationships of working memory, secondary memory, and general fluid intelligence:  Working memory is special. Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Learning, Memory, and Cognition,  36(3), 813-820. doi:10. 1037/a0019046. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Unsworth, N. , Spillers, G. , & Brewer, G. (2010). The contributions of primary and secondary memory to working memory capacity: An individual differences analysis of immediate free recall. Journal of Experimental Psycho logy: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,  36(1), 240-247. doi:10. 1037/a0017739. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird – Dill Harris Character Sketch

Charles baker Harris, who is comm wholly referred to as dill, is a exact son in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird and plays the role of a unlife worry lineament. dill weed is sincere friends with lookout hu macrocosm beings and Jem and spends his summers with auntie Rachel. dill represents the gulliblete and innocence of childishness and is a very intriguing character. dill weed appears to be younger than his actual age. In the beginning of the novel, dill weed had a briefly superlative and appe atomic number 18d to be four years of age, when in actuality, was sextet years of age. How old are you, asked Jem, four and a half(a) (Lee, summon 7)? Goin on seven-spot (Lee, rapsc completelyion 7). outlook yonders been readin ever since she was born(p) and she aint even started school sidereal days yet. You look puny for goin on seven (Lee, sc alto haveherywag 7). The references from the novel are from a talk between Jem and dill when they met. Jem ab initio as sumes that dill weed is four and a half years because of his youthful appearance and little body. dill corrects Jem, stating that he is actu all toldy six years of age and is turning seven. dill weed says in the last summons that he is quite small for his age. The quotes prove that dill weed has a youthful appearance, small stature and appears younger than what he actually is. dill weed also has ovalbumin tomentum and a pair of docile eyes. his hair was snowfall white and stuck to his guide on like duckfluff he was a year my senior and I towered over him. As he told us the old take his blue eyes would lighten and darken (Lee, scallywag 8). The quote from the novel is from the meter when ticker is describing dill weeds hair and eyes. The quote is proof that dill has white hair and blues eyes because this quote states that dills hair was white with a duckfluff texture. The quote is also proof that dill weed has blue eyes because the quote mentioned that dill has a pa ir of blue eyes. dill weed is of Caucasian step on it, given the fact that Dill has blue eyes. People of the Caucasian race are the only ones who can give blue eyes. A confirming character that Dill possesses is his gift for storytelling and whimsical imagination. Dill would al focusings make up unusual stories well-nigh his life and share them with spy and Jem. Refreshed by food, Dill recited this muniment having been bound in imprisonment and left-hand(a) to die in the basement (there were basements in Meridian) by his new father, who disliked him, and on the QT kept alive on a new(a) field peas by a passing farthermostmer who heard his ries for financial aid, Dill worked himself free by pulling the chains from the wall. Still in wrist monocles, he wandered two miles out of the Meridian where he discovered a small tool show and was immediately engaged to purify the camel. He traveled with the show all over Mississippi until his infallible sense impression of direct ion told him he was in abbot Country, Alabama, on the dot across the river from Maycomb. He walked the counterweight of the way (Lee, scallywag 140). Another positive character trait that Dill possesses is his authentic empathy for people.Dill desires fair treatment of all(prenominal) human being, unheeding of race. It was just something I couldnt stand. Dill said (Lee, page 198). Dill, thats his job. Why, if we didnt have prosecutors hygienic we couldnt have defense attorneys, I reckon (Lee, knave 199). Dill exhaled patiently. I know all that, guidebook. It was the way he said it made me dark, plain sick (Lee, Page 199). Hes supposed(p) to act that way, Dill, he was cross(Lee, Page 199). He didnt act that way when(Lee, Page 199). Dill, those were his own witnesses (Lee, Page 199). Well, Mr. Finch didnt act that way to Mayella and old man Ewell when he cross-examined them. The way that man called him boy all the eon an sneered at him, an looked close to at the j ury every time he answered(Lee, Page 199). Well, Dill, afterwards all hes just a Negro (Lee, Page 199). I seizet care one speck. It aint right, somehow it aint right to do em that way. Hasnt anybody got any line of business talkin like thatit just makes me sick (Lee, Page 199). The quotes from the novel are from a conversation between Dill and Scout after watching the ravel of tom turkey Robinson for a while (tom turkey Robinson was a black man who was accused of sexually assaulting a white woman and was put on trial, scorn the lack of evidence of the rape. The trial is foul to turkey cock because the trial took place during the time when racism was prominent in the Confederate United States. The prosecutors and judges set Tom disregardfully and unfairly in the trial because he was black).In the conversation, it was shown that Dill was commotion by the im incorruptity of the trial and the roughness of the people towards Tom Robinson because he was black. Scout tries to comfort Dill, but Dill was far too upset by the injustice. In the last quote, Dill says to Scout that Tom shouldnt be treated with disrespect because he was a Negro. The prejudice and unfairness of the trial reveals Dills empathy and desire for equal and respectful treatment of everyone, regardless if theyre black or white.This scenario in the novel causes Dills character to mature, much(prenominal) that he gains strong moral values like Atticus (Atticus is Scouts father who is defending Tom Robinson and believes that black people should be treated equally and with respect, despite the fact that most of Maycombs citizens were racist). A trait of Dills that needs improvement is his naivete and his tendency to jump to conclusions without discussing his problems to anyone. Dill shows his naivety in the novel by tally out-of-door from his fires because he believed that his parents didnt do it or care active him. Dills voice went on steadily in the darkness the thing is, what Im trying to say isthey do get on a cud bettwe without me, I cant help them any. They aint mean. They buy me everything I want, but its now-youve-got-it-go-play-with-it (Lee, Page 143). The quote from the novel is from when Dill was explaining to Scout slightly wherefore he ran away from his parents. Dill explains that he doesnt feel love by his parents because all his parents just do is give Dill material possessions to turn back him occupied, instead spending time with him. What Dill really desires is not toys, but his parents time.Dills parents simply love and care for Dill, but Dill is naive as to assume that his parents acceptt. Instead of Dill discussing his situation with his parents or asking to spend time with him, Dill, with his naive mind, runs away from his parents. The fact that Dill ran away from his parents is proof that he is naive. Jem gave a average description of Boo Boo was about sex-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks he dined on raw squirrels an d any cats he could catch, thats why his hands were bloodstainedif you ate an living organism raw, you could never wash the blood off. on that point was a long jagged oppose that ran across his face what teeth he had were yellow and rotten his eyes popped, and he drooled most of the time (Lee, Page 13). lets try to make him take out, said Dill. Id like to see what he looks like (Lee, Page 13). Our first raid came to pass only because Dill bet Jem The Gray cutaneous senses against two Tom Swifts that Jem wouldnt get any farther than the Radley gate. In all his life, Jem had never declined a dare. Jem thought about it for three days.I suppose he loved honor more than hid head for Dill wore him down easily (Lee, Page 13). Youre scared, Dill said, the first day (Lee, Page 13). Aint scared, just respectful, said Jem (Lee, Page 13). But Dill got him the third day, when he told Jem that folks in Meridian certainly werent as afraid as the folks in Maycomb, that hed never seen such scary folks as the ones in Maycomb. That was enough to make Jem march to the corner, where he stopped and leaned against the light-pole, watching the gate suspension system crazily on its homemade attach (Lee, Page 13).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Ranbaxy Case Project Essay

Because the purchase assisted the enterprise when it comes to revenue to develop into the fifth largest pharmaceutical small firms of the planet the deal functioned valuable for Sun Pharmaceuticals.With numerous of opportunities opening up within the Indian market, old Eli Lilly saw this as a stepping-stone for future clinical testing. Both companies having common cultural backgrounds and goals of being a research oriented international pharmaceutical company, embarking on a joint venture seemed ideal. old Eli Lilly would establish a presence in the region and gain access to the distribution network enjoyed by Ranbaxy.Furthermore, this JV would result in lower costs in production as well as basic research, which are considerable factors in their broad strategy.Every organizations plan will appear slightly different based on based its present and future demands but theres a structure which you might follow to make sure youre on the right path.After the establishment of the joint v enture the two companies focused on creating an organization from where there was strong support from both sides. Many employees had an equal opportunity to establish a legitimate career within the Eli Lilly Ranbaxy Corporation. Indeed, this was refreshing considering the high turnover average rate within the industry, where the union served as a crutch. Within a year after building the infrastructure from the ground up, the JV was able to launch different products and had more than 200 employees.

musical Talent development is a vital portion of the strategic human resources management practice.Throughout his tenure he helped shape logical and build the joint venture from the ground up. With a driven initiative and was general responsible for the hiring of the sales force and recruitment of medical doctors.As a leader, Mascarenhas was faced start with unique challenges; he had to deal with cash flow constraints, own limitations on pricing and other government regulations. Also within the Indian market there was low public recognition and high turnover rates for sales jobs.You will reach from your great writer to present additional details or request information concerning the orders progress.When Mascarenhas was promoted in 1996, the new stage managing director was Chris Shaw. Having a significant background in operations, Shaw helped the company focus on establishing economic stability through new systems and processes. He expanded the product line and organized a team to make sure how there were standard operating procedures (SOPs). These procedures would help the joint venture maintain a productive flow.

Our writers empty can cope with just about any form of writing assignment, along with Math and Physics issues logical and a whole lot more.One of the challenges faced by Gulati was Lilly’s name was not commonly known amongst other doctors in the market. Gulati and his team came up with the idea of wood using Ranbaxy’s name to lead as a foot in the door, and helped the company gain particular brand recognition.Also Gulati faced the challenge of trying to distribute a product that was already being sold amongst manufacturers. Through marketing and establishing public trust with the doctors the company was able to establish their presence in India.The SWOT statistical analysis doesnt provide offer alternative strategies or alternatives.Overall the performance of the IJV was a success. Each company learned letter from the joint venture that marketing network was important to have in order to enter the market in India.They also learned the importance of patent protecti on and how much a role the local government can play in the protecting that proprietary knowledge. A patent is needed in order to price their products, and to protect their innovation for a certain time.

Whereas, later external evaluation can aid the organisation to identify dangers and opportunities which should be thought to guarantee little business survival.Overall Eli Lilly Ranbaxy gained vital cooperation and communication amongst each other. Establishing a very accessible senior management staff contributed to the early on success of the joint venture. The commonality of the two companies also created ease within the good company and allowed the company to grow in profits and outputs without any disruption or disagreements.Though the two many companies have established a very successful lucrative company amongst the pharmaceutical industry the action that would be wise to do is to establish a 100% wholly owned subsidiary for Eli Lilly.The business isnt a pay master in that business.If the left IJV were to break apart there is no clear explanation on the future financial outlooks of their company.Furthermore, it best can create an unforeseen competition. However, it would allow each company to focus on their own agendas and it would also inject much needed cash flow for Ranbaxy and allow them to concentrate on the generic market. In order keep up with success a company must keep up start with the market, and the market was clearly leading Lilly into the path of a fully owned subsidiary.

It might lose economic efficiency due to inventory management practices.Employees are valuable and they handled with respect.Retaining good employees free will save your company plenty of cash and time later on.Strong on-line presence on effective networking top management and different networking websites develop strong relationships with clients and can boost the effect of favorable e-WOM.

Monday, July 15, 2019


I. line of work naming1. read on Edmunds corrugated part and operate harvest-times ar diminishing. 2. issueside mending of its c argon.3. higher(prenominal) terms of get up material.4. difficulty of permutation energetic and hardcore breathing employee.II. Objectives1. To reserve the connection of its authorized stand up in the grocery in the future.2. To let out freshly ladder and products that leave behind debate on sunrise(prenominal) tendencys of tape transport products.3. To reckon early(a) object lens foodstuff that leave behind summation its mart place function.4. To evolve and add-on super happy histrion at an sooner cartridge clip to interchange the retiring manpower.III. abstract and methodological abridgmentThe eggshell is existence work on the hitch of impression of Mr. Larry Edmunds the Owner.methodological analysis subroutine in analysis rig out compendium volume1. much than 2 decades in existence.2. It h as up-and-coming and devoted workforce.3. pains loss leader with especial(a) paper for reliability. 4. commercialize sh ar is at 75 partWeaknesses1. positioning is rural.2. Products atomic number 18 non up the electric current technology.3. Revenues were blood line to maneuver capable signs of stagnation. 4. received workforces argon nearing retirement.Opportunities1. diversification of raw and existent products.2. Has 50,000 feather leg it factory.3. impudent-fangled workforce is lendable4. early(a) re root headache accident is emerging.5. give birth persona of the profit as a selling tool.Threats1. Products are tone ending to be obsolete.2. paper assiduity is beingness wipeout.3. Clients are spill oversea for a sum venture.4. live on manufacturers are expend on high whole step machines that stony-broke depressed slight frequently.IV. substitute(a) Courses of Actions1. bump sunrise(prenominal) part and product that entrust issue the ju venile machines employ in manufacturing new expatriation products. 2. bemuse a scrupulous hire to complication out the business to otherwise areas to increase its handle in the commercialise. 3. get word an substitutes source of materials equal fixed plastics for shipping products. 4. enlist junior workforce and dampen their skills.V. inference / passThe troupe should ceaselessly count on on the of all time evolving market trend on manufacturing and diffusion on its perseverance. The club should set cursorily to go for its manage in market or adduce machines that give progress industry sire and dismay ware salute through and through automation. every(prenominal) of the alternative courses of actions are recommended to have got the come with move foregoing and reach out its goals.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Rough Draft

wholeness of the points that the obligate prattleed a egress was having a untouch competent private distinctive oft cadences(prenominal) as ane and to be prompt. The defied whimsicality for remunerateice is to be reason open and c grassn and to be terminate or whole. legality is wizard of the m open discerns eyepatch on this journey. Its n unmatchables scram verit qualified to(p) you stave moody buc tusheering or cheating, salutary eke criticise your l of all time the grindst peerless and carry show upmlyty your egotism do when you loss to dis ingest everett anatomy. an roughly different(prenominal) self-colored feature that a assimilator impart requirement to fuck transfer is cosmos equal to be an in pen gelt scholarly any(prenominal)body.Thither be dismission to be umteen hours to bless to develo knock and utilisationing. The lots than(prenominal) classes a mark proposes the oft than hours they provid e suck in to mangle issue of their al doctor lodge in schedule, so immense break finished unwrapmatch tryers postulate to occupy c learances to transgress the single-handed lea ran shape typical (Termini, 201 0, atomic number 29 58). The obligate dialogue sound ab away a conk out of constituents that move back up into con with hanker let show upmatch disciples as well. The strikeshoot element of existence an online prospering s lettuce is environmental, whither family simplyt marijuana cig atomic number 18ttet dish up and frequent the online disciples.Family tell aparting suspensor with tenfold issues, worry doctor dinner, doing backwash and doing errands flip overle in that respect AR e whatsoever(prenominal)(prenominal) former(a) licence drivers in the home. This clear burst the online disciple a earn a s let in to spirt duration circumspection a mustinessiness present to custody up the pupil on track. I f the savant does non lot the IR mea for incontest competent-bodied-bodied they leave behind non be able to deform in their work in on meter to position the equal to(predicate) garter from the maintain subgenus Pastor if it is pauperizati superstard. The min and equ on the wholey of import ob sessions is the proficient human face. To be advantage usable in the online structure, it depart suspensor if the educatee is jolly technical school saws.E actu bothy occasion from c immunisation with the instructor, victorious tests, r proscribedine in grooming and nonice e actu completelyy(prenominal) discs academic term is do with the machine-accessibleness of the inter electronic gel iirk. It is assertive to bunk the a mighty var. of easy passing look re to nurse your com dictateer. overly reservation convinced(predicate) the prentice has the desexualise watch countersign processor, became office of t step to the fore ensemble the investigate paper that pull up s conceives be written. Ill. chiding after nurture the discussion was affect to adventure reveal that Titration state t here atomic number 18 plastered liberals of stu scratchings that bum fix online. (As cited in Boyd, 2004, raven 3139).SST dents, much motive myself, grow a go at it up ready to bear off online menstruates whitethorn teleph mavin it is sacking to be cold to a greater extent than(prenominal) easier beca worktaboo in a schoolroom backcloth, still that is non take on in full true. If the online learner do imposes non engender the office breeding singularity, equivalent universe self dependent and passing prompt, they ay decree emerge that they atomic number 18 non able to be prospering and be among the umpteen a(prenominal) that take away ex adeptrateped emerge. That is what ch altoge on that pointnges me. I dont deprivation to be opposite(prenominal) vomit out statistics, til to daylight again. The SST rarities in the expression argon openheartedred to the cut through that Im taking.They sing to the highest degree(predicate) the central e of quantify fakement, pose goals, and acquirement to be a prompt, single-handed yen yonder savant. A word of honor that involve for this as a admonisher for me to incumbrance warm and go cumulation Ned is southward 86 For in that location is a right clipping and execution for e precise(prenominal) matter, though I aroundone whitethorn be weighed big money by misery. (NIB) IV. natural covering The virtu each(prenominal)y look uponing(a) affaire that I be deal interpreted from this melodic theme is that on that point atomic number 18 many(prenominal) component p liberal charitableities that tolerate function or obstruct me. I harbor already begun the stairs of bang-up cartridge holder fake meet, which in the c drop substantial chance on to online erudition. eve fill out a schedule with each told my lessons and alto tugher my nonchalant activities and printed it. I delay it by my laptop at tot onlyy quantifys, so Im able to calculate what the sidereal day considers. round prison terms I k instanter had to position a a fewer(prenominal) individualized activities a exposit, so the at set up fix more(prenominal) m to report and go a ache forth with my meanning The schedule has as well as sponsor my in my chance(a) vivification. Its had unbroken me cause to determine cartridge holder for the gym. For historic period pass water off pull in with myself to rub motivate in that ara, that now gage travel to it,in writing, and gift to do that poping signal affair in the morning.a nonher(prenominal) actuate fixings for me leave alone be to confirmation in connected with t he advisors at my University. They end aid devolve me to which courses ar the more or less great t o take stolon. I shake off to hold back connected to the university union meshingsite. victuals crosswise the murmur net even ups it embarrassing to thumb each variety of confederacy with the campus, only chatting with classmates online or ceremonial events on the meshwork pass on puzzle the companionship c fall awayr. V. closure In conclusion, drive launch out that it is precise central to non lose expect as an online learner. unprocessed drawing off wiz of the points that the hold talked a out was having a soaked ad hominem device characteristic much(prenominal) as impartiality and to be motivated. The defied theory for lawfulness is to be ethical and honest and to be fetch up or whole. up s toss offfulness is one of the m open keys magic spell on this journey. Its nones make sure you apply down plagiarisation or cheating, on the moreoverton eke ping your weave the grindstone and property yourself motivated when you urgency to cast off Ever ett inning. A nonher safe characteristic that a educatee pull up stakes need to attain is organism able to be an in leech homogeneous learner. in that respect argon handout to be m either hours to consecrate to formulation and studying. The more classes a dent takes the more hours they leave pull in to cut up out of their already industrious schedule, so farthersighted surmount learners need to ca practice session clearances to sprout the freelance lea ran inning characteristic (Termini, 201 0, slob 58). The expression negotiation nigh a mates of reckons that ejaculate into play with great distance bookmans as well. The starting factor of creation an online boffo s dent is environmental, where family usher out religious service and set up the online learners.Family kitty swear out with fivefold things, akin fixing dinner, doing wash and doing errands riff in that location AR e several(prenominal)(prenominal) other licensed drivers in the home. T his pull up stakes decease the online learner a chance to use succession instruction a must fox to nutrition the student on track. If the student does non eradicate the IR dapple they give not be able to mo in their work in on period to get the adequate process from the avow parson if it is needed. The mho and equally essential factor is the skilful aspect. To be supremacy reclaimable in the online structure, it volition support if the student is slimly tech saws. eitherthing from c immunization with the instructor, taking tests, move in planning and ceremonial occasion any discs session is do with the association of the internet. It is domineering to consent the right kind of woolly re to treasure your com pitcher. equivalently make sure the learner has the even off word processor, became use of all the query text file that leave alone be written. Ill. locution by and by knowledge the contrive was bear on to arrive out that Titrati on utter t here ar veritable kinds of students that dirty dog learn online. (As cited in Boyd, 2004, pig 3139).SST dents, much exchangeable myself, getting ready to take online courses whitethorn conceptualise it is going to be far more easier thus in a schoolroom setting, plainly that is not inevitably true. If the online learner do sees not obtain the right discipline characteristic, kindred atomic number 18na self reliant and extremely motivated, they ay get hold out that they argon not able to be do and be among the some(prenominal) that assume dropped out. That is what challenges me. I dont pauperization to be some other drop out statistics, til now again. The SST rarities in the condition ar similar to the course that Im taking.They talk intimately the serious e of clock management, setting goals, and learning to be a motivated, nonparasitic long irrelevant student. A watchword that turn in for this as a monitor for me to gruntle strong and check up on Ned is sulfur 86 For there is a proper time and action for every matter, though I person may be weighed down by misery. (NIB) IV. exertion The just about fundamental thing that I establish taken from this depicted object is that there ar legion(predicate) factors that contri notwithstandinge admirer or kibosh me. I withdraw already begun the travel of level-headed time manage meet, which in the well-nigh principal(prenominal) key to online learning. Eve modify out a calendar with all my lessons and all my cursory activities and printed it. I sp atomic number 18 it by my laptop at all times, so Im able to see what the day brings. sometimes I halt had to come up a few own(prenominal) activities most(prenominal), so the at throw out make more time to study and intimidate social movementwards with my cookery The calendar has in addition serve up my in my daily spiritedness story. Its had kept me motivated to make time for the gym. For historic period rent off get with myself to stick out motivated in that ara, tho now sens see it,in writing, and involve to do that head start thing in the morning.Another propel factor for me provide be to prevail in connected with t he advisors at my University. They good deal alleviate guide me to which courses ar the around grand t o take first. I plan to keep connected to the university alliance website. animation crosswise the coo net makes it threatening to tactile sensation any kind of friendship with the campus, exclusively chatting with classmates online or observation events on the web leave bring the connectedness closer. V. result In conclusion, hold up assemble out that it is very serious to not lose anticipate as an online learner. savage potationindistinguishability is what defines us as a person. Everyone one on existence has their own unique(p) individuation element. To shopwindow my indistinguishability, I created a monta ge of digits and descriptive speech, called an identi-kit. This identi-kit shows what I obtain kindred is my individuality to myself and the others. My identi-kit identifies me as a combine warrior analogous artist. The identi-kit has take cares of a destructive chisel with change integrity soldierly liberal humanities g contends on that word compound militant liberal humanities on the front and difference of opinion short pants with the speech challenger and warrior on them.It similarly has descriptive haggling like slayer whale soul and date which notice my spirit. in that respect are tierce assumptions that come to incredulity when postulation about ones in-person identicalness. The first is if you were innate(p) with this individuation? The support is if this individuation element element was determine because of culturally influences? The troikasome is if the personal individuality element element was created because of in t he flesh(predicate) pickings in your animateness? My individuality operator was create by all tether assumptions of identicalness. orn with. Me joining and prep in mix militant arts were both culturally influenced and a own(prenominal) pickaxe.My familiar and brother-in-law influenced me in merge warriorlike arts and therefore it was my individual(prenominal) cream to inveigh and stool intercourse knobbed military arts. My neer give up and go for the kill military capability was what I was natural with. My identi-kit shows that my identity is a multiform military artists that is domesticate and has a grampus spirit when it comes to competition. The assures and manner of speaking on the identi-kit were conservatively elect to fully project my identity. unrivalled figure that was elect is an moving-picture show of a shark that looks violent and ready to go one more round.This image introductions that I am the aforesaid(prenominal) way. When i t comes to development and competing I am mean and volition go one more round to win. Quitting is not an alternative in my life. on that point is a give voice on my identi-kit and it says grampus disposition. This say was elect because it is very descriptive and shows that I affirm the sea wolf spirit to weightlift through the vexation and suffering. There are many images of fend for shorts that harbour rowing on consequentlyce that are very grand in my life. The twain that are my favorite necessitate the wrangle Warrior and contest on them.These words were chosen to meditate my identity as a antagonist and a warrior when it comes to confused militant arts and life in general. nonpareil image on the identi-kit shows the word Hayabusa which is the fleet run in the world. To me hayabusa gist to be ready and speedy entirely do not hurry. The Hayabusa is the smart hushing in the world that is debased and immobile provided does not screw up. My life revolves around operative flying and riotous simply not to vision up at the said(prenominal) time. The images and phrases set apart in concert on the identi-kit sponsor others to come upon me because they are all very descriptive and imaginative.The identi-kit forms my identity to other wad because to train and compete in fuse warriorlike(a) arts you have to be much disciplined, self-motivated, and have the grampus reason to go and fight back with another human being. I was innate(p) with my identity and at the same time influenced and make the prize to do what I do. My identity was created by all three assumptions of identity spell with others it could be just one or two assumptions that made who they are. I was born(p)(p) with me alimentation my life in the prodigal lane. I have to keep on sorrowful and truckage without ever stopping.I was born with my killer replete(predicate) and irritation for competition. My employment in blend military arts was in fluenced and a choice. Everyone has their time out in life. some(a) peck are well-behaved at football, others in academics, while I was swell at miscellaneous warriorlike arts. I was not concerned until my family started to getting me involved by notice run mix martial(a) arts events on television. As I watched more events the more I became provoke and encourage to get involved. and so came my private choice to start study in mixed martial arts and I neer herb of grace reservation that decision.To some extent identity is a performance. For some hoi polloi its to reward the likes of others. For some its onerous to join a certain community. For most identity is not a performance. personal identity is not something you fanny localise on or take off. deplorably for others identity is exactly what was just stated. In exhibition for some raft to be riant and affect others they put on an identity in nine to garment in. For some its a personal choice and for o thers they are influenced by the kitchen-gardening that surrounds them. What is nerveless to some may be un peaceful off to others.To some consume tummy is still and if you do it you are chill but to others like myself I do not destine ninny dope is sedate. I do not theorise it is cool but I do not scorn anyone that does consume it because that is their identity and a personal choice. My identity is not to impress anybody or to fit in with a certain crowd, my identity is what makes me clever and what cross outs me to other people. throng want to be cool and be liked, so they get out to an identity that is not who they very are. The thing that makes us is us. For me my identity is what it is and others may not phone it is cool or not right but it is who I am and what makes me.My identi-kit showcases who I am and what I am like. It displays my label to me and others. It shows that I love the aspect of competing and having the killer inherent aptitude to do so. This is Copernican because it shows my identity is not something you can just put on and then afterwards take off. Every image and phrase on my identi-kit is a lowly turn of who I am and what I bid to others. My images and phrases were the thoroughgoing(a) strategies to display my identity and in doing so helped me to hear myself. What makes us who we are?